The first time

photo prompt

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

“Move aside or you’ll get hurt!

“That’s ok”, was the nonchalant response. 

Apologetic now the frightened voice said, ‘I’m helpless.”

The response, “We were up there ourselves but had to learn to let go – of our fears & our anchor. A time comes when we all have to take the plunge. As we lie here, we don’t know the future, but worrying helps not. So we’ll just go with the flow”

‘That, sounds dangerously close for comfort’, thought the icicle wryly as he dropped, knowing he’d melt and take them (leaves) with his flow.

Written for Friday Fictioneers, a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a story in 100 words or less in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.


Author: Beckonlife

Hi! I'm Leena and while I'm a WFHM (work from home mom), I'm a lot of other things too. I'm a woman who really believes that Women have it all, but whether they use it or not is where the difference comes in. I toed the corporate life for 13 years and then yes, I did it! I quit to start working for myself and I'm loving every bit of it. I work with artisans in rural areas of India and help them eke out a living. My blog is about Outliving one's life and not letting life pass by. I hope to share tips of leading a full, balanced, healthy and happy life - making time for self, kids, family & friends and those less fortunate than us. I live in Mumbai, India with 2 wonderful children, husband and in-laws. I'll be sharing some funny incidents, some learnings, some advice, some tips on food, travel, decor, relationships , parenting, in-lawing (if there's a word like that ;)) and a lot more. I do hope you enjoy my blogs cause while I write them for myself, I'd love it if it's relevant & enjoyable to you & of course I do hope to learn a few things from you. Happy Sharing to us!

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